Detail publikace

Fatigue Analysis of Electric Heating Element


Anglický název

Fatigue Analysis of Electric Heating Element





Originální abstrakt

This paper investigated methods for fatigue prediction of an experimental tube that is used for critical heat flux experiments. During an experiment, the tube is electrically heated in few steps from nominal state of constant temperature up to steady state, where significant differences between inner and outer surface temperatures occur. Water surrounding the tube gets from room temperature up to saturation temperature. Since unexpected failure of the tube may cause injuries and damage to laboratory equipment, it was important to thoroughly assess all potential failure modes. Impact on various states and changes on fatigue was investigated in this paper with main focus on temperature distribution and stress range estimation. Time dependent thermal stress field in the tube wall was established using FEA as well as using combination of analytical and numerical methods. There were no major differences between the results of both methods. Developed model can be used for assessment of remaining fatigue life of the experimental tube after each experiment. Fatigue assessment of a representative experiment yielded 10412 allowable cycles. Fatigue might not be the most dangerous damage mechanism in case of the experimental tube.

Anglický abstrakt

This paper investigated methods for fatigue prediction of an experimental tube that is used for critical heat flux experiments. During an experiment, the tube is electrically heated in few steps from nominal state of constant temperature up to steady state, where significant differences between inner and outer surface temperatures occur. Water surrounding the tube gets from room temperature up to saturation temperature. Since unexpected failure of the tube may cause injuries and damage to laboratory equipment, it was important to thoroughly assess all potential failure modes. Impact on various states and changes on fatigue was investigated in this paper with main focus on temperature distribution and stress range estimation. Time dependent thermal stress field in the tube wall was established using FEA as well as using combination of analytical and numerical methods. There were no major differences between the results of both methods. Developed model can be used for assessment of remaining fatigue life of the experimental tube after each experiment. Fatigue assessment of a representative experiment yielded 10412 allowable cycles. Fatigue might not be the most dangerous damage mechanism in case of the experimental tube.

Klíčová slova anglicky

critical heat flux, fatigue, FEA






Program in knjiga povzetkov / Program and book of abstracts

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