Detail publikace

Hraje roli rozlišení a původ dat? Satelitní, letecká a bezpilotní data pro zvládání rostlinných invazí

Müllerová, J. Brůna, J. Dvořák, P. Bartaloš, T. Vítková, M.

Český název

Hraje roli rozlišení a původ dat? Satelitní, letecká a bezpilotní data pro zvládání rostlinných invazí

Anglický název

Does the data resolution/origin matter? Satellite, airborne and UAV imagery to tackle plant invasions


článek ve sborníku ve WoS nebo Scopus



Originální abstrakt

Invasive plant species represent a serious threat to biodiversity and landscape as well as human health and socio-economy. To successfully fight plant invasions, new methods enabling fast and efficient monitoring, such as remote sensing, are needed. In an ongoing project, optical remote sensing (RS) data of different origin (satellite, aerial and UAV), spectral (panchromatic, multispectral and color), spatial (very high to medium) and temporal resolution, and various technical approaches (object-, pixel-based and combined) are tested to choose the best strategies for monitoring of four invasive plant species (giant hogweed, black locust, tree of heaven and exotic knotweeds). In our study, we address trade-offs between spectral, spatial and temporal resolutions required for balance between the precision of detection and economic feasibility. For the best results, it is necessary to choose best combination of spatial and spectral resolution and phenological stage of the plant in focus. For species forming distinct inflorescences such as giant hogweed iterative semi-automated object-oriented approach was successfully applied even for low spectral resolution data (if pixel size was sufficient) whereas for lower spatial resolution satellite imagery or less distinct species with complicated architecture such as knotweed, combination of pixel and object based approaches was used. High accuracies achieved for very high resolution data indicate the possible application of described methodology for monitoring invasions and their long-term dynamics elsewhere, making management measures comparably precise, fast and efficient. This knowledge serves as a basis for prediction, monitoring and prioritization of management targets.

Český abstrakt

Příspěvek popisuje aplikaci bezpilotních leteckých prostředků pro detekci a monitoring invazních rostlinných druhů jako velmi účinnou metodu.

Anglický abstrakt

Invasive plant species represent a serious threat to biodiversity and landscape as well as human health and socio-economy. To successfully fight plant invasions, new methods enabling fast and efficient monitoring, such as remote sensing, are needed. In an ongoing project, optical remote sensing (RS) data of different origin (satellite, aerial and UAV), spectral (panchromatic, multispectral and color), spatial (very high to medium) and temporal resolution, and various technical approaches (object-, pixel-based and combined) are tested to choose the best strategies for monitoring of four invasive plant species (giant hogweed, black locust, tree of heaven and exotic knotweeds). In our study, we address trade-offs between spectral, spatial and temporal resolutions required for balance between the precision of detection and economic feasibility. For the best results, it is necessary to choose best combination of spatial and spectral resolution and phenological stage of the plant in focus. For species forming distinct inflorescences such as giant hogweed iterative semi-automated object-oriented approach was successfully applied even for low spectral resolution data (if pixel size was sufficient) whereas for lower spatial resolution satellite imagery or less distinct species with complicated architecture such as knotweed, combination of pixel and object based approaches was used. High accuracies achieved for very high resolution data indicate the possible application of described methodology for monitoring invasions and their long-term dynamics elsewhere, making management measures comparably precise, fast and efficient. This knowledge serves as a basis for prediction, monitoring and prioritization of management targets.

Klíčová slova česky

Detekce, invazní druhy, mapování, multispektrální data, objektově a pixelově orientovaná klasifikace, prostorové a temporální rozlišení, spektrální

Klíčová slova anglicky

Detection; Invasive species; Mapping; MSS imagery; Object- and pixel-based classification; Spatial and temporal resolution; Spectral




International Society of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing (ISPRS), Copernicus


Prague, Czech Republic




XXIII ISPRS Congress, 12–19 July 2016, Prague, Czech Republic





Číslo edice


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  author="Petr {Dvořák},
  title="Does the data resolution/origin matter? Satellite, airborne and UAV imagery to tackle plant invasions",
  booktitle="XXIII ISPRS Congress, 12–19 July 2016, Prague, Czech Republic",
  publisher="International Society of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing (ISPRS), Copernicus",
  address="Prague, Czech Republic",