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Determination of milling performance of a GSM 06 laboratory vibrating mill with different grinding media
Anglický název
Determination of milling performance of a GSM 06 laboratory vibrating mill with different grinding media
Originální abstrakt
This work focuses on characterization of milling performance of a laboratory GSM 06 vibrating mill from Siebtechnik. Different types (steel cylinders, steel balls and tungsten carbide satellites) and weights of grinding media and milled material (cation exchange resin Tulsion T-40 Na) were used. Influence of these parameters on particle size distribution was studied using laser diffraction analysis. Milling performance was presented as time dependence of median of particle size. We approved the highest performance were achieved by tungsten carbide satellites. The reasons are higher density and small particle size which increase the milling area. The milling performance of larger steel cylinders and balls are very similar. Higher ratio of grinding media weight to milled material decreases the milling time, but at the expense of decreasing the throughput. Double the material load increases the milling time less than two times. Therefore the optimization of this ratio is needed to maximize the throughput. For throughput calculation is needed include time for filling and emptying the mill. Therefore the milling of small batches is less effective due to higher waste time.
Anglický abstrakt
This work focuses on characterization of milling performance of a laboratory GSM 06 vibrating mill from Siebtechnik. Different types (steel cylinders, steel balls and tungsten carbide satellites) and weights of grinding media and milled material (cation exchange resin Tulsion T-40 Na) were used. Influence of these parameters on particle size distribution was studied using laser diffraction analysis. Milling performance was presented as time dependence of median of particle size. We approved the highest performance were achieved by tungsten carbide satellites. The reasons are higher density and small particle size which increase the milling area. The milling performance of larger steel cylinders and balls are very similar. Higher ratio of grinding media weight to milled material decreases the milling time, but at the expense of decreasing the throughput. Double the material load increases the milling time less than two times. Therefore the optimization of this ratio is needed to maximize the throughput. For throughput calculation is needed include time for filling and emptying the mill. Therefore the milling of small batches is less effective due to higher waste time.
Klíčová slova anglicky
Vibrating mill; median; distribution; laser diffraction.
Czech Membrane Platform
Česká Lípa
Workshop of Students' presentations 2015: Membranes and membrane processes
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