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Podchlazování rozvalku v oblastech překryvu vodních paprsků při hydraulickém odstraňování okují
Český název
Podchlazování rozvalku v oblastech překryvu vodních paprsků při hydraulickém odstraňování okují
Anglický název
Overcooling in overlap areas during hydraulic Descaling
článek v časopise ve Web of Science, Jimp
Originální abstrakt
The production and processing of high-quality grades of steel are connected with the oxidation at high temperatures. Unwanted scales are formed on the steel surface, which is usually heated to over 900 °C. These scales are often removed by hydraulic descaling during the production. In most cases where long, flat products are produced, one row of descaling nozzles is used. As these flat jet nozzles are arranged in a row, the water spray from one nozzle interferes with the spray from the neighboring nozzles. This zone is called an overlap area and often even more scales remain here after the descaling process. An increased amount of the scales left behind results in a lower quality of a final product. A typical configuration with an inclination and twist angle of 15° was studied. Heat-transfer coefficients (HTC) and surface temperatures were measured in the overlap area and compared with the values obtained from undisturbed areas. It was found that the overlap area is grossly overcooled. The results were compared with a new configuration, where the twist angle was changed to 0°, and it was found that the overcooling was significantly reduced. The temperature measurement showed that an increased thickness of the scales in the overlap area can also be caused by surface overcooling because the scales change the material properties with the temperature, and they are therefore more difficult to remove. The new configuration with the twist angle of 0° seems promising for improving the quality of hydraulic descaling.
Český abstrakt
VVýroba a zpracování oceli je spojena s oxidací při vysokých teplotách. Nežádoucí okuje se tvoří na povrchu oceli, která se se obvykle zahřívá na více než 900 ° C. Tyto okuje jsou při výrobě odstraněny pomocí hydraulického odkujování. Ve většině případů se používají trysky uspořádané v řadě. Tento příspěvek se zabývá oblastí překryvu trysek, především zvýšeným přestupem tepla v těchto místech a příslušnými koeficienty přestupu tepla (HTC). Článek porovnává dvě konfigurace trysek a porovnává jejich intenzitu chlazení v oblasti překryvu.
Anglický abstrakt
The production and processing of high-quality grades of steel are connected with the oxidation at high temperatures. Unwanted scales are formed on the steel surface, which is usually heated to over 900 °C. These scales are often removed by hydraulic descaling during the production. In most cases where long, flat products are produced, one row of descaling nozzles is used. As these flat jet nozzles are arranged in a row, the water spray from one nozzle interferes with the spray from the neighboring nozzles. This zone is called an overlap area and often even more scales remain here after the descaling process. An increased amount of the scales left behind results in a lower quality of a final product. A typical configuration with an inclination and twist angle of 15° was studied. Heat-transfer coefficients (HTC) and surface temperatures were measured in the overlap area and compared with the values obtained from undisturbed areas. It was found that the overlap area is grossly overcooled. The results were compared with a new configuration, where the twist angle was changed to 0°, and it was found that the overcooling was significantly reduced. The temperature measurement showed that an increased thickness of the scales in the overlap area can also be caused by surface overcooling because the scales change the material properties with the temperature, and they are therefore more difficult to remove. The new configuration with the twist angle of 0° seems promising for improving the quality of hydraulic descaling.
Klíčová slova anglicky
scales, steel, water, hydraulic descaling, overlapping, temperature, heat-transfer coefficient, surface
Istitute of Metals and Technology
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author="Michal {Pohanka} and Helena {Votavová},
title="Overcooling in overlap areas during hydraulic Descaling ",
publisher="Istitute of Metals and Technology",