Detail publikace

Modifikace experimentální stanice AXMAT


Český název

Modifikace experimentální stanice AXMAT

Anglický název

Modification of Experimental Station AXMAT


článek ve sborníku ve WoS nebo Scopus



Originální abstrakt

In this article is described modernization of experimental station AXMAT, which is used for testing of contact fatigue of small axial bearings and flat specimens. The test-rig is placed in a laboratory of Institute of Machine and Industrial Design of Brno University of Technology. Original setup of the test-rig was based on applying of axial force at a specimen by mechanical lever with additional weight. This stand is designed for determination of resistance of materials and bearings against the contact damage. This is achieved with use of vibrodiagnostic. Essential changes were made on the test-rig by its modification. A new hydraulic load system for set up of axial force on a specimen was developed. A control program was created in SIMULING for operating of the hydraulic system and its force. This program gives a chance to adjust applied axial force on a specimen in optional modes. Moreover a feedback for record of vibration, acoustic emission (AE) and temperature signals was created. An analysis of AE signal enables a detection of contact fatigue formation before pitting occurs. Due to that it is possible to detect defects on a specimen earlier than by standard vibrodiagnostic’s method. Because of a new modifications and improved measurement system the test-rig provides more complex and accurate detection of a contact fatigue.

Český abstrakt

V tomto článku je popsána modernizace experimentální stanice AXMAT, která se používá pro testování kontaktní únavy malých axiálních ložisek a plochých vzorků. Zkušební zařízení je umístěno v laboratoři Ústavu konstruování a průmyslového designu na VUT v Brně. Původní zkušební zařízení využívalo mechanického zatěžování zkušebního vzorku pomocí závaží přes páku. Byl vyvinut nový systém hydraulického zatěžování , kde průběh zatěžovacích sil je řízen programem vytvořeným v SIMULING, který ovládá hydraulický systém a velikost zatěžovací síly. Nová úprava zkušební stanice poskytuje lepší a komplexnější výsledky ze zkoušek trvanlivosti.

Anglický abstrakt

In this article is described modernization of experimental station AXMAT, which is used for testing of contact fatigue of small axial bearings and flat specimens. The test-rig is placed in a laboratory of Institute of Machine and Industrial Design of Brno University of Technology. Original setup of the test-rig was based on applying of axial force at a specimen by mechanical lever with additional weight. This stand is designed for determination of resistance of materials and bearings against the contact damage. This is achieved with use of vibrodiagnostic. Essential changes were made on the test-rig by its modification. A new hydraulic load system for set up of axial force on a specimen was developed. A control program was created in SIMULING for operating of the hydraulic system and its force. This program gives a chance to adjust applied axial force on a specimen in optional modes. Moreover a feedback for record of vibration, acoustic emission (AE) and temperature signals was created. An analysis of AE signal enables a detection of contact fatigue formation before pitting occurs. Due to that it is possible to detect defects on a specimen earlier than by standard vibrodiagnostic’s method. Because of a new modifications and improved measurement system the test-rig provides more complex and accurate detection of a contact fatigue.

Klíčová slova česky

Akustická emise, AXMAT, axiální ložisko

Klíčová slova anglicky

Acoustic emission, AXMAT, axial bearing




Springer International Publishing




The Latest Methods of Construction Design

Číslo edice


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  author="Jiří {Dvořáček} and Lukáš {Komenda} and Libor {Nohál},
  title="Modification of Experimental Station AXMAT",
  booktitle="The Latest Methods of Construction Design",
  publisher="Springer International Publishing",