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Jsou kompaktní výměníky tepla vhodné pro vysokoteplotní aplikace?


Český název

Jsou kompaktní výměníky tepla vhodné pro vysokoteplotní aplikace?

Anglický název

Are Compact Heat Exchangers Suitable for High Temperature Applications?





Originální abstrakt

The present contribution is concerned with the possibilities of “compactness” and “enhancement” and the pitfalls of their application in a specific area of high-temperature industrial heat exchangers, where hot-side fluid is flue gas. In relation to "compactness" and "enhancement" are first discussed the basic available types of heat exchangers, the possibilities of their use and constraints related to the application of the target high-temperature technologies. Also discussed is the key role of flue gas (and/or off-gas) and its properties as the main limiting factor in relation to the application of “compactness” and “enhancement” solutions. One of the key factors in designing heat exchangers for high-temperature applications is the primary selection of a suitable type. The presently available possibilities and methodologies of efficient heat exchanging device selection and supporting software tools are mentioned as well. A concrete example of an industrial processing furnace is used to demonstrate the issues of “compactness and enhancement vs. reliability” for various temperature levels of high temperature applications. Attention is given also to the specific area of fouling of the heat exchanging surfaces by flue gas and state of the art in the area of heat exchanger modelling and design with regard to the fouling tendency. In high-temperature applications, it is necessary to pay special attention to all phases of a solution. Heat integration of devices into the plant system and its possibilities are presented. The irreplaceable role of modelling and optimization on the design of heat exchangers and its design details is emphasized, which may significantly contribute to final product quality. An important role in high-temperature applications is also played by CFD simulations. Integral part of the presentation is the discussion of “compactness” and “enhancement” on a number of realized industrial high temperature applications with flue gas being the hot-side fluid.

Český abstrakt

Plenární přednáška na téma kompaktních výměníků tepla a jejich použití ve vysokoteplotních aplikacích.

Anglický abstrakt

The present contribution is concerned with the possibilities of “compactness” and “enhancement” and the pitfalls of their application in a specific area of high-temperature industrial heat exchangers, where hot-side fluid is flue gas. In relation to "compactness" and "enhancement" are first discussed the basic available types of heat exchangers, the possibilities of their use and constraints related to the application of the target high-temperature technologies. Also discussed is the key role of flue gas (and/or off-gas) and its properties as the main limiting factor in relation to the application of “compactness” and “enhancement” solutions. One of the key factors in designing heat exchangers for high-temperature applications is the primary selection of a suitable type. The presently available possibilities and methodologies of efficient heat exchanging device selection and supporting software tools are mentioned as well. A concrete example of an industrial processing furnace is used to demonstrate the issues of “compactness and enhancement vs. reliability” for various temperature levels of high temperature applications. Attention is given also to the specific area of fouling of the heat exchanging surfaces by flue gas and state of the art in the area of heat exchanger modelling and design with regard to the fouling tendency. In high-temperature applications, it is necessary to pay special attention to all phases of a solution. Heat integration of devices into the plant system and its possibilities are presented. The irreplaceable role of modelling and optimization on the design of heat exchangers and its design details is emphasized, which may significantly contribute to final product quality. An important role in high-temperature applications is also played by CFD simulations. Integral part of the presentation is the discussion of “compactness” and “enhancement” on a number of realized industrial high temperature applications with flue gas being the hot-side fluid.

Klíčová slova anglicky

heat exchangers, high temperature applications, heat transfer



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