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Technicko-ekonomická studie použitelnosti katalytické oxidace nebo jiného řešení termické likvidacce VOC


Český název

Technicko-ekonomická studie použitelnosti katalytické oxidace nebo jiného řešení termické likvidacce VOC

Anglický název

Feasility study of using catalytic oxidation technology or other solutions for thermal incineration unit


souhrnná výzkumná zpráva - smluv. výzkum



Originální abstrakt

In premises of company Momentive Specialty Chemicals, Leuna GmbH & Co. KG is situated operational thermal incinerator of gaseous waste from the manufacture of products on the base of butadiene-styrene andacrylic- styrene.While producing such mixtures, gaseous vapors are discharged to the waste incineration plant. Gases containing organic substances arise especially during transportation of the mixture to the reactor and subsequently at each process step in the reactor (addition of chemicals, stripping, etc.) The operation of the present unit for processing of waste gases is energetically costly because, for its operation it is consumed a considerable amount of natural gas (NG). Therefore, new technologies were sought that could lower the consumption of natural gas and meet the current emission limits. In present time the existing incinerator has difficulties in complying with the emission limits for NOx. Suitable in this case seems to replace existing combustion chamber (furnace) F90500 either with the catalytic reactor technology or by a new unit for VOC thermal abatement or to modify the existing thermal incineration unit in order to meet the emission limits (particularly for VOC and NOx), while achieving some savings in terms of operating costs. Currently, the combustion chamber F90500 processes two kinds of waste gases – process off-gas 90100 and 90200. These streams differs radically in term of flow rates and also in term of composition and pollutants contents trends during production of different kind of products and were subjected to technical measurements, which provides the basis for creation of designs that try to deal with the given situation. In order to provide to the current operator an overview of the technical feasibility and eventual financial requirements of the project of the existing combustion chamber F90500 replacement , was created this technical-economical feasibility study of the catalytic oxidation technology or other solutions for thermal incineration unit.

Český abstrakt

V areálu Momentive Specialty Chemicals, a.s. je v provozu termická spalovna plynných odpadů z výroby produktů na bázy butadien-styren a styren-akrylát. Při výrobě těchto směsí jsou odváděny plynnné výpary do spalovny odpadů. Plyny s obsahem orgaqnických látek vznikají zejména při transportu smasi do rektoru a následně při jednotlivých fází vprocesu v rektoru (přidávání chemikálií, stripování atd.) Provoz těchto jednotek je však energeticky nákladný, protože pro svůj provoz spotřebovávají velké množství zemního plynu. Proto jsou provozovatelem hledány technologie, které by spotřebu zemního plynu snížili, při dodržení stávajících emisních limitů. V dnešní době má především stávající spalovna problémy s dodržením emisních limitů na NOx. Jako vhodné se v tomto případě jeví nahradit stávající spalovací komoru (pec) F90500 buď technologií s katalytickým reaktorem nebou novou jednotkou termické likvidace VOC. V současnosti tato spalovací komora F90500 zpracovává dva druhy odplynů – procesní odplyn 90100 a 90200. Tyto proudy budou potrobeny technickému měření, které bude podkladem pro vytvoření návrhů řešení dané situace. Aby současný provozovatel získal přehled o technické proveditelnosti a případné finanční náročnosti projektu náhrady stávající spalovací komory F90500, byla vytvořena tato technicko-ekonomická studie použitelnosti katalytické oxidace a jednotky termické likvidace VOC.

Anglický abstrakt

In premises of company Momentive Specialty Chemicals, Leuna GmbH & Co. KG is situated operational thermal incinerator of gaseous waste from the manufacture of products on the base of butadiene-styrene andacrylic- styrene.While producing such mixtures, gaseous vapors are discharged to the waste incineration plant. Gases containing organic substances arise especially during transportation of the mixture to the reactor and subsequently at each process step in the reactor (addition of chemicals, stripping, etc.) The operation of the present unit for processing of waste gases is energetically costly because, for its operation it is consumed a considerable amount of natural gas (NG). Therefore, new technologies were sought that could lower the consumption of natural gas and meet the current emission limits. In present time the existing incinerator has difficulties in complying with the emission limits for NOx. Suitable in this case seems to replace existing combustion chamber (furnace) F90500 either with the catalytic reactor technology or by a new unit for VOC thermal abatement or to modify the existing thermal incineration unit in order to meet the emission limits (particularly for VOC and NOx), while achieving some savings in terms of operating costs. Currently, the combustion chamber F90500 processes two kinds of waste gases – process off-gas 90100 and 90200. These streams differs radically in term of flow rates and also in term of composition and pollutants contents trends during production of different kind of products and were subjected to technical measurements, which provides the basis for creation of designs that try to deal with the given situation. In order to provide to the current operator an overview of the technical feasibility and eventual financial requirements of the project of the existing combustion chamber F90500 replacement , was created this technical-economical feasibility study of the catalytic oxidation technology or other solutions for thermal incineration unit.

Klíčová slova česky

spalovna plynných odpadů, katalytická oxidace, VOC,

Klíčová slova anglicky

catalytic oxidation technology, thermal incineration unir, VOC



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