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Aplikace metod integrace procesů na tepelné zpracování odpadů


Český název

Aplikace metod integrace procesů na tepelné zpracování odpadů

Anglický název

Application of Process Integration Methodologies to the Thermal Processing of Waste


kapitola v knize



Originální abstrakt

The thermal processing of waste (incineration) often involves not only waste disposal, including reduction in volume, but also a waste-to-energy (WTE) process, with the majority of modern municipal solid waste (MSW) incinerators now able to deliver this technology. This chapter discusses a complex approach to the use of this technology, beginning with a brief introduction to incineration and incineration plants, followed by discussion of energy effi ciency analysis and the effectiveness of energy utilisation, with specifi c reference to one type of MSW incinerator. The aim of the analysis was to determine the performance of the plant in terms of energy utilisation and to identify potential energy savings within the plant. Simulations were carried out based on industrial data acquired from the monitoring systems of a modern MSW incinerator were carried out, with the results showing that potential energy savings are available in the area of low-potential heat. Finally, the chapter outlines the potential for the use of Heat Integration to achieve improvements in energy effi ciency, although this is somewhat limited in practical application.

Český abstrakt

The thermal processing of waste (incineration) often involves not only waste disposal, including reduction in volume, but also a waste-to-energy (WTE) process, with the majority of modern municipal solid waste (MSW) incinerators now able to deliver this technology. This chapter discusses a complex approach to the use of this technology, beginning with a brief introduction to incineration and incineration plants, followed by discussion of energy effi ciency analysis and the effectiveness of energy utilisation, with specifi c reference to one type of MSW incinerator. The aim of the analysis was to determine the performance of the plant in terms of energy utilisation and to identify potential energy savings within the plant. Simulations were carried out based on industrial data acquired from the monitoring systems of a modern MSW incinerator were carried out, with the results showing that potential energy savings are available in the area of low-potential heat. Finally, the chapter outlines the potential for the use of Heat Integration to achieve improvements in energy effi ciency, although this is somewhat limited in practical application.

Anglický abstrakt

The thermal processing of waste (incineration) often involves not only waste disposal, including reduction in volume, but also a waste-to-energy (WTE) process, with the majority of modern municipal solid waste (MSW) incinerators now able to deliver this technology. This chapter discusses a complex approach to the use of this technology, beginning with a brief introduction to incineration and incineration plants, followed by discussion of energy effi ciency analysis and the effectiveness of energy utilisation, with specifi c reference to one type of MSW incinerator. The aim of the analysis was to determine the performance of the plant in terms of energy utilisation and to identify potential energy savings within the plant. Simulations were carried out based on industrial data acquired from the monitoring systems of a modern MSW incinerator were carried out, with the results showing that potential energy savings are available in the area of low-potential heat. Finally, the chapter outlines the potential for the use of Heat Integration to achieve improvements in energy effi ciency, although this is somewhat limited in practical application.

Klíčová slova česky

integrace procesů, waste-to-energy, tuhy komunální odpad, nebezpečný odpad, spalování odpadu

Klíčová slova anglicky

Process Integration, waste-to-energy, municipal solid waste, hazardous waste, incineration.






Woodhead Publishing Limited


Cambridge, UK




Handbook of Process Integration (PI): Minimisation of Energy and Water Use, Waste and Emissions

Číslo edice


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  author="Petr {Stehlík},
  title="Application of Process Integration Methodologies to the Thermal Processing of Waste",
  booktitle="Handbook of Process Integration (PI): Minimisation of Energy and Water Use, Waste and Emissions",
  publisher="Woodhead Publishing Limited",
  address="Cambridge, UK",