Detail publikace

Měření účinnosti zachycení lokálním zesíleným odsávacím systémem


Český název

Měření účinnosti zachycení lokálním zesíleným odsávacím systémem

Anglický název

Capture efficiency measurement of local reinforced exhaust system


článek ve sborníku ve WoS nebo Scopus



Originální abstrakt

This report deals with measurement of capture efficiency of the local reinforced exhaust system (REEXS). The constant emission tracer gas method is used for quantitative evaluation of capture efficiency. As a tracer gas was used carbon dioxide. Experimental equipment was supplemented by a special local exhaust hood. The local exhaust hood was designed in such way that it can work either as a traditional circular exhaust hood or as a REEXS. A characteristic of the REEXS principle is that the flow pattern may be oriented towards a specific direction, which increases the range of the efficient area significantly. The directional effect is created by radial air inlet along the edge of a flanged circular exhaust opening through a narrow slot. In this report are shown some results of experimental measurements. The measurements were done both for the traditional local exhaust hood and for the REEXS at different ratios between the momentum flow in the inlet and in the exhaust. All measurements were performed for the same exhaust flow rate and the results were compared together.

Český abstrakt

Příspěvek pojednává o měření účinnosti zachycení lokálním zesíleným odsávacím systémem metodou stopového plynu. Jako stopový plyn byl použit oxyd uhličitý. Výsledky měření byly porovnány s tradičním odsávacím systémem.

Anglický abstrakt

This report deals with measurement of capture efficiency of the local reinforced exhaust system (REEXS). The constant emission tracer gas method is used for quantitative evaluation of capture efficiency. As a tracer gas was used carbon dioxide. Experimental equipment was supplemented by a special local exhaust hood. The local exhaust hood was designed in such way that it can work either as a traditional circular exhaust hood or as a REEXS. A characteristic of the REEXS principle is that the flow pattern may be oriented towards a specific direction, which increases the range of the efficient area significantly. The directional effect is created by radial air inlet along the edge of a flanged circular exhaust opening through a narrow slot. In this report are shown some results of experimental measurements. The measurements were done both for the traditional local exhaust hood and for the REEXS at different ratios between the momentum flow in the inlet and in the exhaust. All measurements were performed for the same exhaust flow rate and the results were compared together.

Klíčová slova anglicky

capture efficiency, local reinforced exhaust system, tracer gas method






RoomVent 2002


Copenhagen, Denmark




Proceedings of 8th International Conference on Air Distribution in Rooms

Počet stran



  author="Stanislav {Patočka} and Eva {Janotková},
  title="Capture efficiency measurement of local reinforced exhaust system",
  booktitle="Proceedings of 8th International Conference on Air Distribution in Rooms",
  publisher="RoomVent 2002",
  address="Copenhagen, Denmark",