Nabídka studia


doktorské (Ph.D.)kombinovaná4 roky(en)

You will focus on the construction and operation of thermal energy and nuclear facilities. And it will go into the depths of applied scientific disciplines. Such as thermomechanics, mass and heat transfer, hydromechanics and nuclear physics. There is a lot to choose from in the topics of doctoral theses – boilers, steam and combustion turbines, components of nuclear power plants, heat exchangers and renewable sources. Or the energy usage of biomass and waste and the thermal cycles of power plants. And what they have in common, they are all based on the needs of industrial practice.

You will become a specialist that will be supported by domestic and foreign companies. You can work in companies engaged in the production of elements and equipment for energy. Also in the operations of energy companies, research organizations and administrative institutions. For small and medium-sized companies or as private entrepreneurs.

Výuku programu/specializace zajišťuje Energy Institute.

Detailní charakteristika studijního programu a seznam vypsaných témat

With energy for life

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