    [obor_id] => 16569
    [motto] => Do you like to model aeroplanes? Come and design them!
    [motto_en] => 
    [nazev] => Aerospace Technology
    [nazev_en] => Aerospace Technology
    [zamereni_nazev] => bez zaměření
    [zamereni_nazev_en] => 
    [nazev_a_zamereni] => bez specializace
    [nazev_a_zamereni_en] => no specialisation
    [zkratka] => ---
    [lang_code] => en
    [typ_studia] => N
    [typ_studia_en] => M
    [typ_studia_popis_sr] => navazující magisterské
    [typ_studia_popis_sr_en] => master's
    [forma_studia] => P
    [forma_studia_en] => F
    [forma_studia_nazev] => prezenční
    [forma_studia_nazev_en] => full-time
    [popis_oboru] => You will gain knowledge of aerodynamics and flight mechanics, aircraft design and materials. You will learn the principles of designing aircraft so that they are reliable and economical means of transport. You can verify that everything works in practice in the laboratories at the Institute of Aerospace Engineering, or you can become a member of the Chicken Wings student team and participate in competitions in Europe and the USA. And you will learn something about space research, drones and their rescue systems, as well as aircraft certification processes. As an expert for aircraft and their construction, you can be employed in any aerospace company - from small manufacturers of gliders, aerobatic aircraft to the world's largest manufacturers such as Airbus and Boeing. Any Czech or multinational company offers dozens of vacancies with a very good financial evaluation.

Tuition Fees: 3000 EUR/academic year for EU students, 3000 EUR/academic year for non-EU students
    [popis_oboru_en] => 
    [fakulta_id] => 4
    [program_id] => 8800
    [ustav_name] => Institute of Aerospace Engineering
    [ustav_url] =>
    [ustav_url_en] =>
    [delka_studia] => 2
    [pocet_rocniku] => 2
    [delka_studia_slovo] => roky
    [delka_studia_slovo_en] => years
    [titul] => Ing.
    [fakulta_zkratka] => FSI
    [typ_studia_odkaz_seznam] => navazující magisterské-studium
    [typ_studia_odkaz_seznam_en] => master's-study
    [nazev_wraped] => Aerospace Technology 
    [nazev_wrapped] => Aerospace Technology 
    [nazev_wraped_en] => Aerospace Technology 
    [nazev_wrapped_en] => Aerospace Technology 
    [vyuka_na_ustavech] => Array
            [196] => Array
                    [ustav_id] => 196
                    [zkratka] => LÚ
                    [nazev] => Letecký ústav
                    [url] =>


    [metriky] => Array
            [1] => Array
                    [hodnota] => 94 % 
                    [popis] => of graduates are very satisfied with their work

            [3] => Array
                    [hodnota] => 15
                    [popis] => specialized companies in the Czech Republic and dozens abroad (Volkswagen, Evektor, Honeywell, EADS, UNIS, etc.)


    [rocniky] => Array
            [1] => Array
                    [text] => You will get acquainted with aircraft materials, aerodynamics, composite structures, aircraft engines and helicopters. You can go abroad to get experience - to partner universities in Barcelona, Braunschweig, Oostende and Linköping. Or cooperate with foreign students in joint teams on testing rooms and projects or participate in student team competitions.
                    [predmety_planu] => Array
                            [Povinné] => Array
                                    [277580] => Aerodynamics I (en)
                                    [277607] => Letecké materiály a technologie (en)
                                    [277630] => Stavba a pevnost letadel (en)
                                    [277582] => Aerodynamika II (en)
                                    [277599] => Letecké motory (en)
                                    [277613] => Mechanika letu I (en)
                                    [277615] => Únosnost leteckých konstrukcí (en)
                                    [277633] => Technologie výroby letadel (en)
                                    [277585] => Aplikace CFD pro letectví (en)
                                    [277620] => Počítačová podpora konstruování a výroby (en)
                                    [277622] => Palubní soustavy letadel I (en)
                                    [278180] => Průmyslový projekt (N-TLT, N-STL) (en)
                                    [277609] => Angličtina v letectví (en)



            [2] => Array
                    [text] => You will learn something about on-board astronautics, aeroacoustics, aviation law and fatigue and service life of aircraft structures. The knowledge of English in aviation is required. It will also take you a while to work on your diploma thesis. You will take part in excursions in the Czech and foreign companies, and you may even be able to work a little and test your future employer.
                    [predmety_planu] => Array
                            [Povinné] => Array
                                    [277589] => Diplomový projekt (M-STL) (en)
                                    [277611] => Mechanika letu II (en)
                                    [277617] => Palubní soustavy letadel II (en)
                                    [277578] => Aeroelasticita (en)
                                    [277592] => Kompozitní konstrukce v letectví (en)
                                    [277597] => Konstrukce kosmické techniky (en)
                                    [277628] => Spolehlivost letadlové techniky (en)
                                    [277635] => Technologie kosmické techniky (en)
                                    [277637] => Únava a životnost leteckých konstrukcí (en)
                                    [277641] => Zkoušení letadel (en)
                                    [277595] => Projektování letadel (en)
                                    [277645] => Mechanika kosmického letu (en)
                                    [277587] => Seminář k diplomové práci (M-STL) (en)
                                    [277605] => Letecké právo a předpisy (en)




    [osobnosti] => Array
            [2356] => Array
                    [tituly_pred] => doc. Ing.
                    [tituly_za] => Ph.D.
                    [jmeno_prijmeni] => Jaroslav Juračka
                    [esence_obor] => 

