    [obor_id] => 16552
    [motto] => We are interested in those who are interested!
    [motto_en] => 
    [nazev] => Applied Mathematics
    [nazev_en] => Applied Mathematics
    [zamereni_nazev] => bez zaměření
    [zamereni_nazev_en] => 
    [nazev_a_zamereni] => bez specializace
    [nazev_a_zamereni_en] => 
    [zkratka] => ---
    [lang_code] => en
    [typ_studia] => D
    [typ_studia_en] => D
    [typ_studia_popis_sr] => doktorské
    [typ_studia_popis_sr_en] => doctoral
    [forma_studia] => P
    [forma_studia_en] => F
    [forma_studia_nazev] => prezenční
    [forma_studia_nazev_en] => full-time
    [popis_oboru] => An extensive theory and the focus on a selected narrow area. Focus on mathematical modelling of engineering practice problems using continuous models, fuzzy modelling and stochastic models of technical systems and processes with applications in technology, reliability, properties of metallic materials - or numerical methods of image analysis and its applications in space research. You will learn creative independent scientific work and you will gain the ability to work with experts from other disciplines.

As top experts, you will work in applied research and technical development teams. Thanks to the knowledge of mathematical modelling, probability, statistics and optimization also in control or analytical positions. Or in the development and operation of scientific and technical software.

    [popis_oboru_en] => 
    [fakulta_id] => 4
    [program_id] => 8783
    [ustav_name] => Institute of Mathematics
    [ustav_url] =>
    [ustav_url_en] =>
    [delka_studia] => 4
    [pocet_rocniku] => 4
    [delka_studia_slovo] => roky
    [delka_studia_slovo_en] => years
    [titul] => Ph.D.
    [fakulta_zkratka] => FSI
    [typ_studia_odkaz_seznam] => doktorské-studium
    [typ_studia_odkaz_seznam_en] => doctoral-study
    [nazev_wraped] => Applied Mathematics 
    [nazev_wrapped] => Applied Mathematics 
    [nazev_wraped_en] => Applied Mathematics 
    [nazev_wrapped_en] => Applied Mathematics 
    [vyuka_na_ustavech] => Array
            [148] => Array
                    [ustav_id] => 148
                    [zkratka] => ÚM
                    [nazev] => Ústav matematiky
                    [url] =>


    [metriky] => Array
            [1] => Array
                    [hodnota] => 22
                    [popis] => successful graduates in the last ten years

            [2] => Array
                    [hodnota] => 76 % 
                    [popis] => of doctoral students solve their dissertations in cooperation with the company

            [3] => Array
                    [hodnota] => 88 % 
                    [popis] => of graduates hold a significant position in the company within 5 years after graduation


    [rocniky] => Array
            [1] => Array
                    [text] => You have a choice of the topic of the dissertation, and thus your supervisor. With him/her, you will prepare a detailed study plan - among other things, you choose two subjects of general theoretical basis (mathematics, physics), two specialized subjects. The fifth compulsory subject is English. This is a minimal version of the study plan, of course you can enrol in other subjects. Teaching usually takes the form of consultations or lectures. By the end of the introductory year of study, you will pass at least two exams in selected subjects, including the language. The study may also include pedagogical practice of the usual length of four hours per week. At the end of the first year, your study is evaluated by a supervisor. You receive a basic scholarship of CZK 10 500 per month, which increases by CZK 500 as you progress to the other.


    [osobnosti] => Array
            [2071] => Array
                    [tituly_pred] => prof. RNDr.
                    [tituly_za] => CSc.
                    [jmeno_prijmeni] => Jan Čermák
                    [esence_obor] => 

