Product detail

Mixing device for suspensions


Czech title

Směšovací zařízení pro suspenze

English title

Mixing device for suspensions


functional specimen

Czech abstract

Suspenze (odpadní kapaliny, tekutiny v potravinářství a farmaceutice, atd.) obsahují určité množství pevných částic rozptýlených v kapalině. Předložené zařízení bylo vyvinuto pro simulaci suspenzí. Umožňuje vytvořit suspenzi s definovaným obsahem částic a přivést ji do procesu s daným tlakem a průtokem. Je zajištěn také zpětný sběr suspenze. více v anglické verzi

English abstract

Suspensions (waste liquids, fluids in food and pharmaceutical industry, crude oil, etc.) contain certain amount of solid particles dispersed in the liquid. Submitted device was developed for simulation of the suspensions for miscelaneous reasons as tests, experiments. The device consists of a container with liquid entry, gas entry, inlet for solid particles, output of suspension and its return. The liquid is supplied by a gear pump from a main tank through a chiller. The chiller ensures constant liquid temperature and hence also its viscosity. Solid particles are dosed into the pressurized tank with desired concentration. The mixture is homogenized using a propeller. The suspension is pressurized by a compressed air which is delivered either from the central plant, or from a compressor. It is used to pressurize the tank to ensure output pressure and flow energy for suspension. Discharged suspension is collected and returned to the mixing device by a pump. Pressure and flow rates are controlled by a valves. Using this device a suspension with controlled content of solid particles of desired size can be discharged with desired pressure and flow rate. In actual design the device works with light heating oil and polystyren particles in size range 1-1.5mm and concentration 5-10% by volume.

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