Publication detail

The Influence of Chemical Composition of Steels on the Numerical Simulation of a Continuously Cast of Billet


Czech title

Vliv chemického složení oceli na teplotní pole plynule odlévaného sochoru

English title

The Influence of Chemical Composition of Steels on the Numerical Simulation of a Continuously Cast of Billet


conference paper



Original abstract

The chemical composition of steels has significant influence on the actual concasting process, and on the accuracy of its numerical simulation and optimization. The chemical composition of steel affects the thermophysical properties (heat conductivity, specific heat capacity and density in the solid and liquid states) often requires more time than the actual numerical calculation of the temperature fields of a continuously cast steel billet. Therefore, an analysis study of these thermophysical properties was conducted. The order of importance within the actual process and the accuracy of simulation were also determined. The order of significance of the chemical composition on thermophysical properties was determined with respect to the metallurgical length. The analysis was performed by means of a so-called calculation experiment, i.e. by means of the original numerical concasting model developed by the authors of this paper. It is convenient to conduct such an analysis in order to facilitate the simulation of each individual case of concasting, thus enhancing the process of optimization.

Czech abstract

Chemické složení ocelí má významný vliv na skutečné concasting proces, a na přesnosti jeho numerické simulace a optimalizace. Chemické složení oceli ovlivňuje tepelně-fyzikální vlastnosti (tepelná vodivost, měrná tepelná kapacita a hustota v pevném i tekutém stavu), často vyžaduje více času, než je skutečná Numerický výpočet teplotních polí plynule lité oceli sochory. Proto byl proveden rozbor studie těchto termofyzikálních vlastností. Pořadí důležitosti v rámci daného procesu a přesnost simulace byly také stanoveny. Pořadí důležitosti chemického složení na termofyzikálních vlastností byla stanovena s ohledem na metalurgické délky. Analýza byla provedena pomocí takzvaný výpočet experiment, tj. prostřednictvím původních numerických concasting model vyvinutý autory tohoto příspěvku. Je vhodné provést takovou analýzu, aby se usnadnilo simulaci každém jednotlivém případě concasting, a tím zlepšit proces optimalizace.

English abstract

The chemical composition of steels has significant influence on the actual concasting process, and on the accuracy of its numerical simulation and optimization. The chemical composition of steel affects the thermophysical properties (heat conductivity, specific heat capacity and density in the solid and liquid states) often requires more time than the actual numerical calculation of the temperature fields of a continuously cast steel billet. Therefore, an analysis study of these thermophysical properties was conducted. The order of importance within the actual process and the accuracy of simulation were also determined. The order of significance of the chemical composition on thermophysical properties was determined with respect to the metallurgical length. The analysis was performed by means of a so-called calculation experiment, i.e. by means of the original numerical concasting model developed by the authors of this paper. It is convenient to conduct such an analysis in order to facilitate the simulation of each individual case of concasting, thus enhancing the process of optimization.

Keywords in Czech

chemické složení, termofyzikální vlastnosti, ocel, numerický model

Keywords in English

chemical composition, thermophysical properties, concast steel, numerical model

RIV year





VŠB-TU Ostrava






Sborník mezinárodní konference XXIX. setkání kateder mechaniky tekutin a termomechaniky

Pages from–to


Pages count



  author="Josef {Štětina} and František {Kavička} and Tomáš {Mauder},
  title="The Influence of Chemical Composition of Steels on the Numerical Simulation of a Continuously Cast of Billet",
  booktitle="Sborník mezinárodní konference XXIX. setkání kateder mechaniky tekutin a termomechaniky",
  publisher="VŠB-TU Ostrava",