Publication detail

Experimental setup for research into aerosol deposition in human airways


Czech title

Experimentální zařízení pro výzkum depozice částic v dýchacím traktu člověka

English title

Experimental setup for research into aerosol deposition in human airways


conference paper



Original abstract

The article is aimed at experimental setup for research of the air flow and particle deposition in bifurcating airways that represent a human respiratory tract. Two models of the tract are available. The first model was manufactured by Rapid Prototyping based on 3D scans CT acquired. The second silicon rubber model was obtained from Lovelace Respiratory Research Institute, lbuquerque, USA. Fluid flow along with the aerosol transport and deposition in the model of the respiratory tract are going to be studied using laser diagnostic systems, such as PIV, PIV-PLIF and PDA, and a high-speed camera for process visualization. The aerosol of different nature and size, ranging from 0.1 to 12 ěm, will be generated with a condensation generator in large range of the aerosol concentration. The generator is connected to the process aerosol monitor that continuously monitors the aerosol parameters. The flow will be investigated in both stationary and oscillatory flow regimes. As a source of oscillatory fluid flow, Scotch Yoke mechanism generating a sinusoidal inhalation/exhalation will be used.

Czech abstract

Příspěvek pojednává o experimentálnícm zařízení pro výzkum proudění vzduchu a depozice částic v lidském dýchacím traktu. Pro výzkum jsou k dispozici dva modely lidských plic. Jádro prvního modelu bylo vyrobeno pomocí technologie Rapid Prototyping na základě výsledků systému CT. Druhý silikonový model plic byl získán z Lovelace Respiratory Research Institute v lbuquerque v USA. Pro výzkum proudění a depozice částic budou využity laserové měřicí systémy PIV, PIV-PLIF a PDA pro vizualizaci probíhajících dějů vysokorychlostní kamera. Měřeným médiem bude aerosol o průměru částic 0,1-12 ?m z generátoru aerosolu. Pro kontrolu střední velikosti částic se využívá detektor aerosolu připojený na výstup generátoru. Bude zkoumám ustálený i oscilační režim proudění vzduchu.

English abstract

The article is aimed at experimental setup for research of the air flow and particle deposition in bifurcating airways that represent a human respiratory tract. Two models of the tract are available. The first model was manufactured by Rapid Prototyping based on 3D scans CT acquired. The second silicon rubber model was obtained from Lovelace Respiratory Research Institute, lbuquerque, USA. Fluid flow along with the aerosol transport and deposition in the model of the respiratory tract are going to be studied using laser diagnostic systems, such as PIV, PIV-PLIF and PDA, and a high-speed camera for process visualization. The aerosol of different nature and size, ranging from 0.1 to 12 ěm, will be generated with a condensation generator in large range of the aerosol concentration. The generator is connected to the process aerosol monitor that continuously monitors the aerosol parameters. The flow will be investigated in both stationary and oscillatory flow regimes. As a source of oscillatory fluid flow, Scotch Yoke mechanism generating a sinusoidal inhalation/exhalation will be used.

Keywords in Czech

depozice částic, dýchací cesty, generátor aerosolu

Keywords in English

particle deposition, human airways, aerosol generator

RIV year





TU Liberec






Conference Proceedings of Inernational Conference "Experimental Fluid Mechanics 2007"

Pages from–to


Pages count



  author="Jan {Jedelský} and Jan {Košner} and Miroslav {Jícha},
  title="Experimental setup for research into aerosol deposition in human airways",
  booktitle="Conference Proceedings of Inernational Conference "Experimental Fluid Mechanics 2007"",
  publisher="TU Liberec",