Publication detail

Strength analysis of cryogenic transportation tanks


Czech title

Pevnostní analýza kryogenní transportní nádoby

English title

Strength analysis of cryogenic transportation tanks


conference paper



Original abstract

Transportation of liquid gases by means of tanks is a commonly used way of transporting applied in industry. Their great advantage is possibility of automobile, railway or sea transporting. Requirements imposed on them are high, that is why a number of analyses is to be carried out so that potentially unsafe places causing cracks appearing could be eliminated. Proper tank design has a principal influence on its safety. Transportation tanks are calculated on the basis of standards using numerical methods. The effort is to design a safe tank having low weight and maximum internal volume for liquid gases transportation. The current report is devoted to strength analysis of 20 m3 volume and 20 ft long ISO tanks with different geometrical design. Precisely it deals with a duplicator mounted in a standard-sized frame. There are considered mainly results of statical calculations as well as stability calculations of separate design variants for the load applied according to the standards. The main goal of the work is to find optimal way of connecting an internal tank with an external one and mounting an external tank in a frame so that safe running of a device could be provided when transported.

Czech abstract

Transport tekutých plynů prostřednictvím ISO kontejnerů je neustále velmi využívaným způsobem přepravy v průmyslové praxi. Jejich obrovskou výhodou je možnost kombinace automobilové, vlakové či lodní přepravy. Požadavky na ně kladené jsou značně vysoké, proto je nutné při návrhu provádět řadu analýz, aby byla odstraněna potenciálně nebezpečná místa, která by mohla být případně zdroji trhlin. Správné dimenzování aparátu má zásadní vliv na jeho bezpečnost. Výpočty transportních nádob jsou prováděny pomocí norem s využitím numerických metod. Snahou je navrhnout bezpečný kontejner s co možná nejnižší hmotností a největším objemem vnitřní nádoby pro přepravu kapalných látek.

English abstract

Transportation of liquid gases by means of tanks is a commonly used way of transporting applied in industry. Their great advantage is possibility of automobile, railway or sea transporting. Requirements imposed on them are high, that is why a number of analyses is to be carried out so that potentially unsafe places causing cracks appearing could be eliminated. Proper tank design has a principal influence on its safety. Transportation tanks are calculated on the basis of standards using numerical methods. The effort is to design a safe tank having low weight and maximum internal volume for liquid gases transportation. The current report is devoted to strength analysis of 20 m3 volume and 20 ft long ISO tanks with different geometrical design. Precisely it deals with a duplicator mounted in a standard-sized frame. There are considered mainly results of statical calculations as well as stability calculations of separate design variants for the load applied according to the standards. The main goal of the work is to find optimal way of connecting an internal tank with an external one and mounting an external tank in a frame so that safe running of a device could be provided when transported.

Keywords in Czech

transportní nádoby, kryogenní nádoby, ISO kontejnery, napěťová analýza, tekuté plyny

Keywords in English

transportation tanks, cryogenic tanks, ISO tanks, stress analysis, liyuid gases

RIV year





Kazimierz Peszyński






Developments in Machinery Design and Control

Edition number


Pages from–to


Pages count



  author="Richard {Nekvasil} and Zdeněk {Neterda},
  title="Strength analysis of cryogenic transportation tanks",
  booktitle="Developments in Machinery Design and Control",
  publisher="Kazimierz Peszyński",