Publication detail

Influence of gas burner geometry on the formation of nitrogen oxides


Czech title

Vliv geometrie hořáku na tvorbu oxidů dusíku

English title

Influence of gas burner geometry on the formation of nitrogen oxides


conference paper



Original abstract

The present paper describes the influence of important geometry parameters of a gas burner on the formation of nitrogen oxides. Large number of experiments was carried out using a burner with staged gas and air supply and nominal duty of 1000 kW. Natural gas was used as the fuel. The tests were aimed at analyzing the influence of geometry factors, namely size, shape and position of swirl generator, position of secondary nozzle heads, impact of homogenization of combustion air and other parameters on the formation of nitrogen oxides. Formation of nitrogen oxides was not the only observed dependent variable. Other variables included carbon monoxide emissions, as well as the shape and structure of visible flame. The paper deals with the analysis of a gas burner design with staged air or staged gas supply for primary reduction of thermal nitrogen oxides.

Czech abstract

Prezentovaná práce popisuje vliv důležitých geometrických parametrů plynového hořáku na tvorbu oxidů dusíku. Vysoký počet experimentů byl proveden s plynovými hořáky se stupňovitým přívodem plynu a se stupňovitým přívodem vzduchu o nominálním výkonu 1000kW. Jako palivo byl použit zemní plyn. Cílem experimentů bylo posoudit vliv geometrických parametrů hořáků na tvorbu oxidů dusíku, jmenovitě vliv velikosti, tvaru a pozice vířiče, pozice sekundárních trysek, vliv homogenizace spalovacího vzduchu a salších parametrů. V průběhu experimentu nebyla sledována pouze tvorba oxidů dusíku. Dalšími pozorovanými veličinami byly emise oxidu uhelnatého, tvar a struktura viditelného plamene. Práce se zabývá následnou analýzou naměřených dat, která vede k redukci emisí oxidů dusíku.

English abstract

The present paper describes the influence of important geometry parameters of a gas burner on the formation of nitrogen oxides. Large number of experiments was carried out using a burner with staged gas and air supply and nominal duty of 1000 kW. Natural gas was used as the fuel. The tests were aimed at analyzing the influence of geometry factors, namely size, shape and position of swirl generator, position of secondary nozzle heads, impact of homogenization of combustion air and other parameters on the formation of nitrogen oxides. Formation of nitrogen oxides was not the only observed dependent variable. Other variables included carbon monoxide emissions, as well as the shape and structure of visible flame. The paper deals with the analysis of a gas burner design with staged air or staged gas supply for primary reduction of thermal nitrogen oxides.

Keywords in Czech

Geometrie hořáku, tvorba oxidů dusíku, zkoušky hořáků

Keywords in English

Burner design, NOx formation, burner testing

RIV year





Slovak Society of Chemical Engineering


Tatranské Matliare




Conference CD - SSCHE 2008

Edition number


Pages from–to


Pages count



  author="Vít {Kermes} and Petr {Bělohradský} and Petr {Stehlík},
  title="Influence of gas burner geometry on the formation of nitrogen oxides",
  booktitle="Conference CD - SSCHE 2008",
  publisher="Slovak Society of Chemical Engineering",
  address="Tatranské Matliare",