Publication detail

Research and Development of Heat Exchanger 'Water-Sludge'


Czech title

Výzkum a vývoj výměníku tepla "voda-kal"

English title

Research and Development of Heat Exchanger 'Water-Sludge'


conference paper



Original abstract

Heat exchanger 'water-sludge' (screw type heat exchanger) is mainly used for indirect sludge preheating at waste water treatment plants. Preheated sludge is pipelined into the digestion tanks, where anaerobic stabilisation is under way. A similar heat exchanger ''flue gas-sludge'' is being developed for the purpose of utilizing the available heat coming from sludge incineration. Principal advantages of this design are as follows: low energy consumption for sludge transport and easy access to the sludge side. The aim of this study is to describe the creation of a mathematical model of a heat exchanger, which will be used to monitor the influence of temperature on dewatering of mixed raw sludge. For this specific task a made-to-measure heat exchanger had to be designed. From the possible choices, a helical plate heat exchanger was chosen. The advantage of this type of an exchanger is a small built-up area, a high heat transfer area and easy maintenance and cleaning on the side of the sludge. Another advantage is a helical flow, which has a positive effect on self cleaning abilities. However, pressure losses would be higher than at direct (straight) canals. The increase of pressure loss is accompanied by an increased coefficient of heat exchange a. After the design of the exchanger measurements from a pilot unit would be obtained. On the base of them, the relations will be revised, if required. If sludge preheating shows to be advantageous for dewatering an exchanger of a ''fuel gas-sludge'' type would be designed in the next phase.

Czech abstract

Výměník tepla 'voda-kal' (šroubovicový typ výměníku tepla)je převážně používán pro nepřímí předehřev kalu odpadní vodou. Předehřátý kal je veden potrubím do vyhnívacích nádrží, kde probíhá anaerobní stabilizace. Pdobný výměník tepla "spaliny-kal" je vyvýjen pro záměr utilizace využití spalin vzniklých spalováním kalu. Základní výhody tohoto návrhu jsou následující: nízká spotřeba energie pro transport kalu a jednodušší přístup na straně kalu. Cílem tohoto článku je popsat matematický model výměníku tepla, který bude sloužit k určení vlivu teploty na odvodnění směsného surového kalu. Pro tento specifický účel byl navržen speciální výměník tepla. Z možných typů výměníků byl nakonec vybrán šroubovicový výměník tepla. Výhodou tohoto typu výměníku tepla je malá zastavěná plocha, vysoký součinitel prostupu tepla a snadné čištění na straně kalu. Další výhodou je šroubovicový tok, který mý pozitivní vliv na samočistící schoponost. Avšak tlakové ztráty budou větší než u přímích kanálů. Zvýšení tlakové ztráty je však vyvážené zvýšením součinitelů přestupu tepla.

English abstract

Heat exchanger 'water-sludge' (screw type heat exchanger) is mainly used for indirect sludge preheating at waste water treatment plants. Preheated sludge is pipelined into the digestion tanks, where anaerobic stabilisation is under way. A similar heat exchanger ''flue gas-sludge'' is being developed for the purpose of utilizing the available heat coming from sludge incineration. Principal advantages of this design are as follows: low energy consumption for sludge transport and easy access to the sludge side. The aim of this study is to describe the creation of a mathematical model of a heat exchanger, which will be used to monitor the influence of temperature on dewatering of mixed raw sludge. For this specific task a made-to-measure heat exchanger had to be designed. From the possible choices, a helical plate heat exchanger was chosen. The advantage of this type of an exchanger is a small built-up area, a high heat transfer area and easy maintenance and cleaning on the side of the sludge. Another advantage is a helical flow, which has a positive effect on self cleaning abilities. However, pressure losses would be higher than at direct (straight) canals. The increase of pressure loss is accompanied by an increased coefficient of heat exchange a. After the design of the exchanger measurements from a pilot unit would be obtained. On the base of them, the relations will be revised, if required. If sludge preheating shows to be advantageous for dewatering an exchanger of a ''fuel gas-sludge'' type would be designed in the next phase.

Keywords in Czech

výměník tepla, kal, ohřev

Keywords in English

heat exchanger, sludge, heating

RIV year





Process Engineering Publisher






Chisa 2006 - Summaries 4 - System engineering

Pages count



  author="Bohuslav {Kilkovský} and Jaroslav {Boráň} and Zbyněk {Straňák} and Lucie {Houdková} and Zdeněk {Jegla} and Petr {Stehlík},
  title="Research and Development of Heat Exchanger 'Water-Sludge'",
  booktitle="Chisa 2006 - Summaries 4 - System engineering",
  publisher="Process Engineering Publisher",