Course detail

Physics I

FSI-2F Acad. year: 2021/2022 Summer semester

Fundamental laws and theories of classical amd modern physics that are the basis of engineering disciplines.
Classical mechanics. Particle motion (velocity, acceleration). Dynamics of a particle, Newton's laws. Work and energy, conservative and non-conservative forces, potential. Dynamics of a system of particles and rigid body, dynamics of a rotating body. Gravitational field. Oscillations and waves, harmonic oscillator, traveling and standing wave, wave equation, interference of waves. Thermodynamics, heat, the kinetic theory of gases, entropy, engines.

Learning outcomes of the course unit

Knowledge of the fundaments of classical and modern physics on the university level in the field of classical mechanics, oscillations and waves, gravitational field and thermodynamics. Comprehension of general physical principles and capability to apply them to specific physical systems. Ability to carry out physical calculations by means of application of vector, differential and integral calculus.


Secondary school knowledge of mathematics and physics. Fundamentals of vector, differential and integral calculus.

Planned learning activities and teaching methods

The course is taught through lectures explaining the basic principles and theory of the discipline. Exercises are focused on practical topics presented in lectures. Teaching is suplemented by practical laboratory work.

Assesment methods and criteria linked to learning outcomes

Final classification reflects the result of continuous check in the form of tests in the seminars. The final examination consists of the obligatory written test and facultative oral part.
Details on the server

Language of instruction



The goal of the course is to inform students about the fundamental laws and theories of classical and modern physics and to train them to apply this knowledge to simple physical systems, to explain and predict the behaviour of such systems. Further goal is to expose physics to students as the theoretical basis and fundament of engineering disciplines.

Specification of controlled education, way of implementation and compensation for absences

Attendance at seminars and labs which are stated in the timetable is checked by the teacher. Absence may be compensated for by the agreement with the teacher.

The study programmes with the given course

Programme B-ENE-P: Energy, Bachelor's
branch ---: no specialisation, 7 credits, compulsory

Programme B-MET-P: Mechatronics, Bachelor's
branch ---: no specialisation, 7 credits, compulsory

Programme B-MAI-P: Mathematical Engineering, Bachelor's
branch ---: no specialisation, 7 credits, compulsory

Programme B-ZSI-P: Fundamentals of Mechanical Engineering, Bachelor's
branch MTI: Materials Engineering, 7 credits, compulsory

Programme B-ZSI-P: Fundamentals of Mechanical Engineering, Bachelor's
branch STI: Fundamentals of Mechanical Engineering, 7 credits, compulsory

Type of course unit



39 hours, optionally

Teacher / Lecturer


Measurement. The international system of units, changing units. Motion along a straight line. Graphical integration in motion analysis. Vectors, adding vectors, multiplying vectors.
Motion in two and three dimensions, velocity and acceleration, uniform circular motion. Relative motions.
Force and motion. Newtonian mechanics. Inertial reference frames. Newton’s first, second and third laws. Some particular forces. Applying Newton’s laws.
Work and kinetic energy. Work-kinetic energy theorem. Work done by gravitational force. Work done by spring force. Work done by general variable force. Power.
Potential energy and conservation of energy. Conservative and nonconservative forces. Determining gravitational and elastic potential energy values. Work done by external and nonconservative forces.
System of particles. Center of mass. Momentum. Newton’s second law for a system of particles. Collisions.
Rotation and rolling. The rotational variables. Rotational inertia. Torque. Angular momentum. Newton’s second law in angular form. Conservation of angular momentum.
Equilibrium and elasticity. The center of gravity. Tension and compression, shearing, hydraulic stress.
Gravitation. Newton’s law of gravitation. Principe of superposition. Gravitational potential energy. Planets and satellites, Kepler’s laws.
Fluids. Pressure. Pascal’s principle. Archimedes’ principle. The equation of continuity. Bernoulli’s equation.
Oscillations. Simple harmonic motion, the force law, energy. An angular simple harmonic oscillator. Pendulums. Damped simple harmonic motion. Forced oscillations and resonance.
Waves. Type of waves. Transverse and longitudinal waves. Traveling sinusoidal wave. The wave equation. The principle of superposition for waves. Interference of waves. Standing waves and resonance. Sound waves. Beats. The Doppler effect.
Thermodynamics. The zeroth law of thermodynamics and temperature. Work and heat. The internal energy and the first law of thermodynamics, applications. Ideal gas law, molar heats. The second law of thermodynamics and entropy. Reversible and irreversible processes. Heat engines, refrigerators and heat pumps. Carnot engine efficiency.

Laboratory exercise

13 hours, compulsory

Teacher / Lecturer


Efficiency of a heat engine: Stirling engine.
Numerical solution of equation of motion: Torque oscillations.
Physical modelling: Waves in tubes.
Numerical and graphical solution: Heat transfer.


26 hours, compulsory

Teacher / Lecturer


The following exercises and problems (Ú) are from the textbook [1];
1. Vectors
2. Particle motion
3. Force and motion
4. Work and energy
5. Systems of particles
6. Rotation and rolling
7. Gravitation
8. Oscillations
9. Waves
10. Thermodynamics